четвъртък, 8 януари 2015 г.

Evelin 8in1 Total Action Intensive Nail Conditioner

Hello people :) I hope  you are all doing fine :)

Today's blog post is for Evelin 8in1 Total Action.
Now, I first learned about it from Iveta from Sapphire Eyes and Rubin Lips

I decided that I want a break from gellish and I went out and bought it. I bought it from DM for 4.50lv. I can't really tell you what were the exact 8 things that it was suppose to do.

You're supposed to put on coat, then on the next day put another on top of it, then another on top of it, and I think on the fourth day you clean them and put a new coat on. I think it was a 4-day round, but i do it two days and clean them up on the third and put a new coat on, because they get too thick and start peeling.

I'm sorry for my dry and disgusting cuticles!

I've been using it for may be around  a month, and my nails look great! They look great, they look healthier, they look smoother, brighter, they feel great, they feel a lot stronger, they grow fast.. I think I'll continue using it for another month, and then I'll use it just like a base coat, which I tried on my friend, and her nail polish stayed for a lot longer!

So, all-around great product. I would recommend it for anyone who wants just better nails! 

See you in a few days! Bye :)

2 коментара:

  1. Въпреки известната доза скептицъзъм, с който подходих към продукта, останах много доволна, защото успя да превърне ноктите ми от ужасно меки и постоянно чупещи се в нещо коренно различно :) Мисля, че това е единственият продукт на толкова ниска цена, който дава видим и бърз резултат :) Единственият му проблем е формалдехидът, но предполагам, че ако се използва резумно, няма да има да има проблеми :) Чудесно ревю!

    1. Със сигурност за тази цена е най-доброто за сега! :) Не съм запозната с формалдехидът, но ще се запознаем ;) Радвам се, че ти е харесало ревюто! :)
